8 Tips to Create an Exercise Plan You’ll Happily Do Forever

Trying to do anything without a plan is a recipe for failure. Planning for your health is no different. Creating a plan for realistic exercise that is focused on longevity is actually easy and will change your life. Here is how to do it.

8 Tips to Create an Exercise Plan You’ll Happily Do Forever
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I recently ran a quick survey and found out why people struggle to exercise consistently. They lack motivation. One of the key things about motivation is that it’s fluid, it comes and goes. Sometimes it feels easy, sometimes it’s impossible. To remain truly consistent you need to reduce friction! I believe that the biggest causes of friction when it comes to training are simply…
  • Not knowing what to do.
  • Not having a plan.
  • Having a to think of something to do.
Here is how you can create a simple system that works specifically for you. So that you always know exactly what to do. Reducing friction and helping you create a habit that becomes a hobby. Let’s do it.
  1. Define Your Goals
    1. Most people believe they need to follow the latest fitness craze to succeed.
      The truth is, success comes from creating a manageable plan based on your unique goals and needs.
      Research shows that tailored exercise programs lead to better adherence and results.
      • Identify your fitness goals
      • Set realistic milestones
      • Reassess and adjust your goals regularly
  1. Prioritize Consistency Over Intensity
    1. Consistency is more important than intensity in building a lasting exercise habit.
      Regular, moderate workouts yield better long-term results than random intense sessions.
      Always consider: Is this sustainable in the long run? If not, change it.
      Expect only gradual improvements. Think long term.
      Stick to a routine that fits your lifestyle and schedule.
  1. Build a Support Network
    1. "Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future."
      The people you surround yourself with significantly impact your fitness journey.
      Criteria for surrounding yourself:
      • Positive mindset
      • Shared fitness interests
      • Encouraging and supportive
      Engage with a fitness community or find a workout buddy to stay motivated and accountable. Start by following me @builtbymichael of course.
  1. Acknowledge and Address Weaknesses
    1. We all have areas where we struggle:
      • Lack of motivation
      • Time management issues
      • Knowledge gaps
      Recognizing these weaknesses allows you to focus on improving them.
      Utilize resources like fitness apps or professional guidance to overcome these challenges.
      Develop a targeted plan to turn your weaknesses into strengths.
  1. Focus on Quality, Not Quantity
    1. Many believe that more exercise equals better results, but this isn't always true.
      Without proper form and technique, you risk injury and reduced effectiveness.
      Prioritize learning and maintaining proper exercise form.
      Invest in quality training and/or equipment to enhance workouts.
      Focus on the efficiency and effectiveness of your exercises.
  1. Invest in Yourself
    1. Personal development is a key aspect of a successful fitness journey.
      Improving your fitness enhances your overall well-being and confidence.
      Investing in your health pays off in the long run.
      Adopt a growth mindset and continuously seek to improve.
      Your physical health influences ALL areas of your life.
  1. Monitor and Adjust Your Progress
    1. Regularly measure your progress to stay on track.
      Identify any problems or obstacles hindering your progress.
      Find solutions to overcome these challenges.
      Use setbacks as learning opportunities to improve your system.
      Celebrate your achievements with others and stay motivated.
  1. Understand the 80/20 Principle
    1. 80% of the gains come from 20% of the actions.
      Getting incredibly healthy and sustaining a consistent habit of exercise is easy.
      You don’t need to overcomplicate things.
      Start with the easy stuff. Reduce friction.
      1% improvements every day add up fast!
You CAN do it.
By implementing these 8 strategies, you can create a sustainable and effective exercise system tailored to your needs.
Consistency, quality, and support are key to achieving long-term success.
Start small, stay committed, and transform your life.

Or…Use My System
Up until 12 months ago I struggled to stay motivated too.
Then, I realised my goals were wrong. So I switched to training specifically for longevity and everything changed. I studied tons of longevity research and created a simple Longevity Operating System that covers all bases and makes it super simple.
Workouts | Planner | Nutrition | Mindset | Testing | Equipment | Research
All ready to go for you. Optimised for longevity and increasing health span.
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Written by


Founder @ Longevity OS

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