The 100X Mindset Shift Which Immediately Made Longevity Training Simple.

This is How One Tiny Change in Perspective Changed (and maybe lengthened) My Life.

The 100X Mindset Shift Which Immediately Made Longevity Training Simple.
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I was trapped in a cycle of pretty damaging habits between the ages 18-28 (you can guess, all the usual bad stuff, and some really bad stuff) I've been trying to repair the damage ever since.
I'm now 39 and healthy and fit for my age, but it was always a struggle to stay motivated and consistent.
Even though I was doing what I thought needed to be done, I realise now that regret is NOT a great motivator.
That constant struggle ended when I read one book, and my life took a pivotal turn for the better. I started improving my sleep, exercising more frequently, eating better, and it was easy to stay consistent.
This simple but powerful transformation began when I stumbled upon Dr. Peter Attia's work through a podcast.
He was the first to introduce me to the value of purposefully training for longevity and health span instead of just ‘getting jacked’.
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My Shift to Longevity

Traditional fitness goals often set us up for disappointment, they focus on appearance rather than health.
Dr. Attia's approach, emphasizing longevity over aesthetics, showed me a new way, and I loved it. It wasn't about looking good in the short term (or fixing regret from the past). Instead my goal became to stay active and strong well into my 90's and beyond.
(the looking better part just became a nice coincidence)

Implementing A Health Span Focus

With increasing my 'health span' as my new goal, I changed up my training. My workouts and schedule now prioritised staying injury-free and measuring progress in key metrics consistently, not just getting 'jacked' or running a 5k faster than ever.
Over the last 12 months, based on hundreds of research-backed studies and expert knowledge, I crafted my own system to increase my health span. All I was doing was adapting expert insights into practical, daily actions.
It became simple. Manageable. Motivating. Fun. Interesting. And i've never been fitter.

Start Your Journey

I'm going to share my journey within the Longevity OS community and i’d love to bring people along with me.
This idea is born from the last 12 months of me learning about and training to live a healthier, stronger and longer life.
If you're curious about changing your fitness philosophy to focus on longevity and health span, join the waitlist.
I share all my programs, systems and processes which are based on 1000's of hours of podcasts and reading.
A small change in mindset, with a proven operating system, can really have a huge impact. I'm planning on creating a ton of value for all early adopters.

Why This Works

This could be a game changer if you...
  • Struggle to stay motivated to workout.
  • Don't like long gym sessions.
  • Don't have time to do daily hour long workouts.
  • Get frustrated by not seeing results.
  • Get injured regularly.
  • Can't maintain consistency.
  • Don't get the results you want.

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Written by


Founder @ Longevity OS